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Myriad Song RPG PDF Download: Explore Ten Thousand Worlds of Sci-Fi Adventure


DURING THE DECADES since H.P. Lovecraft first wrote of the Cthulhu Mythos, many authors have crossed his themes into other genres, enhancing his original vision with stories taking place in the distant past, in the far-flung future, and in myriad places in-between.

myriad song rpg pdf download

The document is a triumph of organization. Though it has no index, the table of contents is detailed and exhaustive (3 pages long, actually). The writing style is atmospheric yet concise, quickly conveying a myriad of ideas efficiently. Best yet, there is no gratuitous game fiction spacing out the chapters or padding up the first quarter of the game. Instead we are given a short section telling us what sources the author used for inspiration and guidance while writing the game. Honest-to-god designer notes; how refreshing. Its amusing to realize that if this was a White Wolf product, it would be about twice as long and half as informative.

Mechanically, character creation is a snap. Cenceptually, it could take hours. All characters start as members of the Choir of Angels, the lowest choir in divine hierarchy. The player chooses which of the six suggested Orders he will be a member of, a choice which will influence what his angelic role will be, what Powers (angelic abilities) he can choose from, and how much Grace (divine favor) he has. Choices range from the benign Guardian Angels to the terrible Angels of Vengence. Next he assigns points to his five Aspects (Attributes) and four Virtues. The Virtues (Justice, Prudence, Temperence and Fortitude) serve as guides of how well the angel is at controlling his passions and resisting temptation, a game concept that should be familliar to players of Pendragon. The player then chooses Powers from a shopping list that spans sixteen pages, including such friendly things as Calming the Savage Beast and Empathy, some more clearly divine ones such as granting Visions and bestowing Blessings, and a few thunder-crackers like Plague and Wrath of God. Now the character chooses three Temptations, things or situations which the angel is drawn to or fascinated by. Examples would include laughing children, forgotten lies or rainy days. On top of that comes Providence, that special area of creation of which the angel is most knowledgable and for which he gains a game bonus when dealing with it. The characters being mere angels, the players have to be quite specific; he can't be an an angel of dawn, but he could be an angel of 7:30am. Finally the character chooses a Signature; some appearance, action or association that always heralds the angels prescence, such as long red hair, a book he always carries, or only speaking in song. After jotting down the angel's Grace as determined by his Order and fleshing out the character's personality a bit, he's done.

I have not bothered to stress the most amazing aspect of this excellent little game, the fact that it is a completely free download of a GOOD game, not some business-major-sophomore's lame D&D clone. Support for the game already exists in the form of a mailing list and a supplement (Children of Clay, focusing on magic-using mortals and unfortunatley only available as a series of hyper-links so far). This is clearly a labor of love, a game written by someone not because they want to be famous or get rich but because they had a neat idea they wanted to share. I heartily recommend this game, and encourage anyone even mildly intriqued by its subject matter to give it a try.


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